For the last 20 years, Dave has worked at a local Behavioral Health agency as a Family Therapist, working with teens and their families. He has been trained in MST (Multisystemic Therapy), which is a therapy designed to assist parents in managing the behavior of their teens. Dave is licensed by the state of Virginia as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

Dave is now shifting his focus to grief work, an interest that he has had over the years. Dave co-facilitated a Grief Share group at his church for 10 years. This gave him the privilege of witnessing the grief stories of many people while providing them with support and encouragement. The death of his wife a few years ago prompted him to pursue a deeper study of grief resulting in certification as a Grief Counselor.

What’s your grief story? Everyone has one. Each is unique. Has there been a recent death which has overwhelmed you? Are you struggling with a death from the past that continues to nag at you? Is there a pending death that frightens you? Have you experienced a death that you haven’t talked about? It has been said that the only cure for grief is to grieve. Dave welcomes the opportunity to walk with you on your grief journey.