Elevate Your Relationship, Discover Healing and Renewal.

Our Marriage Intensive program is a specialized and comprehensive counseling service designed to address the unique needs of couples facing various challenges within their relationship. At Wellspring of Hope, we are dedicated to helping couples overcome obstacles and rediscover the love and connection they once shared.

Nestled within the serene Blue Ridge Mountains on a sprawling 97-acre wooded expanse, Wellspring of Hope Restorative Marriage Estate offers a haven for couples. With hiking trails, tranquil outdoor spots, nearby canoeing, and cozy accommodations, our secluded retreat provides an escape from life’s demands. Here, you can focus on your marriage amidst a private and intimate setting, free from the pressures and distractions of everyday life.

The Marriage Intensive program is uniquely equipped to address a wide range of topics, including:


Improve the way you communicate with your partner, fostering open dialogue, active listening, and understanding.


Address the emotional impact of infidelity and work towards rebuilding trust and healing within the relationship.

Physical Intimacy and Sexual Issues

Explore and resolve intimacy and sexual challenges with care and expert support. Tackle and resolve any sexual obstacles while nurturing a rewarding and deeply satisfying intimate connection.

Emtional Intimacy

Cultivating emotional intimacy is integral to fostering a healthy relationship, enabling couples to better fulfill each other’s needs and experience heightened security within their connection.

Financial Strains

Learn to navigate financial challenges together and develop a shared vision for your financial future.

Blended Families

Overcome the complexities of blending families and foster a harmonious home environment.

Children and Career Conflicts

Find a balance between parenting responsibilities and career aspirations, ensuring the well-being of your relationship.

Your Journey Starts Here

Are you and your partner ready to break free from patterns of conflict and rediscover the love that brought you together? Learn more about our Marriage Intensive program.